Our Services

On going safety compliance

On going safety compliance

We will test, verify & record all this information and produce a HMO document pack for your property.

If you manage an existing licensed HMO you need on-going management documents to prove that everything you have supplied in your HMO is in working order.

Assessment and Validation

Assessment & Validation

Fire Risk Assessment (Mandatory requirement for ALL HMO’s in Coventry)

HMO Visit (To ensure your HMO meets all current legislation)

HHSRS (Housing Health & Safety Rating System) Report

What does a "complete" application include?

We submit a complete HMO application on your behalf. A complete application includes a list of vital documentation. Only when a full and complete application is submited together with all relevent supporting documents, including fees, does it allow you to continue renting your HMO, legally.

To comply with your local council’s HMO polices you will need to complete a FULL application for a HMO licence. It is vital that a COMPLETE application is submitted, as it will allow you to carry on renting your HMO legally, during your licence application process. Even if at this point the council have not visited your property.

SUBMIT MY HMO APPLICATION – Get on the right side of the LAW. Price starts from just £89* *price for 5 bed HMO, please call for larger HMO’s *prices may vary based on location

What does the HMO document pack include?

The document pack will contain up to date and on-going records to confirm (at any given time) that all smoke alarms, emergency lighting, doors closures, etc are fully operational and have been tested in accordance with legislation, during mid-term tenancies.

This recorded document pack will be needed to verify, to a Fire Enforcement Officer that all your risk reduction equipment is functioning and in good working order. For example it is reccomended that smoke alarms are tested every week in most HMO’s, and a record of this is logged and produced if an incident occurred.

Failure to produce logs/records (at request) will automatically imply to the Enforcement Officer that they have NEVER been tested. If there is an inspection, incident or fatal injury to one of your tenants, enforcement action will then be taken against the “responsible person”.

Get YOUR on-going HMO Document Pack – from just £39.99 per month *Prices may vary based on location

What does this include?

The compliant assessment will be based on risk, which will adhere to latest HMO legislation, and includes a FULL Fire Risk Assessment. From these assessments two main reports will be generated to ensure your HMO meets current standards, which are crucial to maintain HMO safety. A Fire Risk Assessment is a mandatory requirement for all licensable HMO’s. Both reports are included in this price!

GET 2 Reports for the Price of 1 – Book your CONFIDENTIAL HMO ASSESSMENT & FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT now from £249 (For a limited time only)* *Prices may vary based on location